Tendonitis of the Thumb – Most Popular Internet Topic Ever

My blog isn’t very popular on the Internet, as a whole. I’m obviously not surprised, it’s virtually free of content, it’s about me and my life rather than world changing events and it’s well, a bit crap. But I’m also a geek so I check the web site stats every now and again, and track them using Google Analytics, because I can.

And it turns out, if you want to write semi-popular Blogs, you should write about Tendonitis of the Thumb.

I did (here), and it’s the most read page in the entire blog. Weird, but true. In the last month it has accounted for 44% of the page views of the entire blog. It’s the top landing page for the blog, and it shows up on google somewhere between the top 5 and top 20 pages if you search for “Tendonitis of the thumb“. Today, it’s number 7 in the list.

So if you do want to write popular web pages, I recommend writing about ailments, and sore thumbs specifically.


Food is a topic very close to my hear. In fact, it’s a topic that’s probably congealing around my heart and arteries right now. There’s a saying, which may be a quote but a 2 second search didn’t turn anything up that some people eat to live while others live to eat. I don’t think this is necessarily isolated to food, some people go jogging to live while other people live to go running, and you can probably say the same for a lot of things, including working for a living.

The difference is that due to the health risks associated with eating some things or particular quantities of food, there is a stigma attached, or there appears to be a stigma attached to eating food for pleasure. So much so in fact that no one turns a head when it’s described as a guilty pleasure.

Obviously, I’m invested in food, so this is a partisan post, I can’t really be entirely objective about it. But I was thinking about the stigma of enjoying food for the sake of it, and whether we impose that guilt upon ourselves or not. I tried to abstract it out.

If you liked building ships with matchsticks, and found that an hour or two a day really calmed you down from work, made you feel happy and comfortable, and basically soothed you emotionally, no one would really bat an eyelid. Maybe if you made a lot of matchstick ships people might think you were a little lonely or something. But what if you spent two hours a day doing it, and it eventually caused Carpal tunnel or RSI? Your GP might suggest you cut back a little, that so much matchstick handling was causing you some damage that in later life would lead to serious issues. How would you feel?

And then I realised that sounded a lot like self-pity and unhelpful. So I thought about it some more and I think the issue is greed. It’s seen as greedy to want to eat food just for the sake of enjoying the food itself. Maybe it is, greedy in the same way as owning another car if you collect cars but can’t drive them all at the same time might be greedy. Or greedy like buying more music than you could ever sensibly listen to, because you’re a collector or enthusiast.

But that turned out to be pretty weak as well when I looked at harder.

  • Greed: Excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves

That kinda covers it, hard to really avoid that. So it’s not greedy to want to eat fantastic pleasurable food while you’re also hungry, but it is greedy to want to eat more than just mere hunger requires. The problem I guess, is that it is possible to want to eat pleasurable food while you’re hungry or without major impact but it’s still seen as greedy or a guilty pleasure.

Blurgh, I waffled and lost my train of thought and I give up. Maybe I’m just bitter about being diabetic, and how it’s affected my ability to just eat what I like, and that of course leads to the realisation that it’s probably because I ate what I liked that I became diabetic. Maybe. Or maybe it’s a combination of genetic makeup and diet, some people with my diet probably don’t become diabetic, which is doubly frustrating. It’s a lottery, the results of eating for pleasure are a lottery, while everyone who does it is viewed as greedy. Maybe thats it.

Who knows. I don’t that’s for sure, and this pointless post proves it.

Full of Fruit

Because I know you’re all desperate to know how the fruit was: It was excellent. Still pretty crisp, except for the kiwi fruit which is actually much nicer when it’s soft anyway. None of it was mushy, and none of it had ‘turned’, so that’s pretty good news I guess if I ever feel like putting in the effort to make my own again. Should last three or four days in the fridge.

I’ll see if I manage to keep making it (my expectations are pretty low, so if I was you, I would assume not).


So, Grete remembered to get the last pot of fruit out of the fridge this morning as I dragged my half-asleep ass out of the house, good job ‘cos I’d completely forgotten again! It’s lasted quite well, still looks pretty fresh. Popped it into a fridge at work, and I’m sure you’re all dying to know how it turns out, so I’ll be sure to let you know later …


I hate change, I am, without the smallest shadow of any doubt, a creature of habit. I can do the same thing, at the same time, all the time, without ever getting bored of it. I don’t mind change, as long as I’m aware it’s coming and have a chance to prepare, but unplanned change makes me annoyed. I can cope, I do cope, I’m actually really good at coping with it and dealing with it, but it doesn’t mean I like it.

I’ve gotten into a habit at lunch time, when I’m in the office, which helps with the diabetes and balanced diet, and that’s having a pot of fruit from the shop at work. Melon, pineapple, kiwi fruit and mango. Been eating it now for a couple of years, every day. They changed the packaging a while back, but the content stayed the same. It’s one of my five a day, it’s good for my blood sugar and it’s 0 fat.

And now, they don’t sell it. They’ve changed to a mix of melon, kiwi fruit, blueberries and pomegranate seeds. It’s disgusting. The juice that collects is rancid, the pomegranate seeds are terrible, the blueberries tasteless, and the kiwi fruit is squished and mangled.

I miss my mango dammit.

So today I’ve got a packet of crisps instead, how is that helping exactly!

Now I need to work on a strategy to get back to some fruit I enjoy.


Got a take-out curry last night (we have a friend visiting, so it’s an excuse for take-away), and only ate half. No worries I thought, I’ll whack the other half in the fridge for lunch, so I did. And today I had it for lunch, around 12:30.

Around 3pm I noticed I was shaking quite a bit, it comes on slowly so you don’t always notice it. And so, 2.5 hours after eating a tub of rice and curry, I checked my blood and found it at 3.9ish. Whoops.

No wonder I was shaking.


Yeh it’s weak, but it was the best pun on Thumb Update I could come up with. Within 1 day of taking the tablets the ‘contact’ pain was gone (i.e. if I banged my thumb it didn’t hurt), and only stressing the tendons still hurt. A few days in now, and the pain comes and goes. I’m obviously still using my thumb too much, because at the end of the day it’s pretty sore. I need to try and relax it more I guess. Not easy to do in my line of work. Today the skin where the tendons go from my thumb, past my wrist to my arm is very tender, I wonder if that’s referred or if it’s the actual tendons themselves I can feel which are sore.

Anyway, overall I’d say it’s making good progress. How exciting for you all 🙂

In other news, got back in touch with my oldest friend from school – which can only be a good thing. I’m very happy about it.