- bed! #
- bacon cob and diet red bull, the breakfast of diabetic champions #
- the worst thing about being involved in a fantastic project and a terrible project, is the horrible one feels even worse by comparison #
- no gmail for nearly 2 hours now, how will i survive? where have you gone gmail!? where! #
- yay, gmail is back! #
- monsters vs aliens looks like it might be the best animated movie of 2009 #
- just found the perfect wordpress plugin – AZIndex – http://azindex.englishmike.net/azindex #
Author Archives: tony
Guess the movie
Found these over a Den of Geek. Guess the movies from 5, 4, 3 and 2 words of dialog.
Twitter Updates for 2009-02-24
- So, another go at using twitter (second or third major attempt) – what do people use to follow twitter? any recommendations? #
- Two meetings down, one more to go at 3pm – only 4.2 days until the weekend #
- grrrr, can’t find the section i’m looking for in a manual, i know it exists, i’ve read it, but can’t find the fsking right manual #
- now that i’ve remembered how to read, installation of myphpadmin is going much better … #
- er, phpmyadmin, i have a serious mental block about that name format #
- ooh, twhirl is very – blue – #
- very very tired – 5am start with the cats sucks #
- almost totally over my working day now – so a couple of hours before i go to bed and start again #
I’m trying Twitter again (you can find me over here), mainly because more of my friends have started using Facebook again and I can update my Facebook status via Twitter, so I may as well use Twitter. You’ll see updates on the right side bar, and a daily summary of my tweets as a blog post (unless I get pissed off with that feature).
It’s never too early to decide you’re going to be famous and need a Twitter-Policy, so here’s mine, in advance of me being famous and having 300,000 followers.
- If you follow me, I may not necessarily follow you back. Don’t be sad, you’re not alone.
- I promise never to write a blog post saying I’ve twittered something or tweet saying I wrote a blog post. I understand the two audiences are not the same and you can choose which of my streams of pointless conciousness to decide to read and which you don’t, I won’t hate you.
- The exception to #2 is that until I get bored, I’ll use the automated feature to collect all my tweets into a daily post.
- #3 is because I also promise to stop blogging one line thoughts which should have been tweets, but I still want everything collected in one place at the end of the day.
- #4 is really because at the core I’m a narcissistic control freak.
Kate Winslet’s acceptance speech
I really like Kate’s acceptance speech, not least because she tells Meryl Streep to ‘suck it up’ (but not in a bad way). I dunno how long this will stay on YouTube.
PS3 Squared
We bought a second controller for the PS3 today (took back some games we had for the Wii, got £24 for them, and used that to aid in the purchase of the controller, and bought our Tesco groceries with the £25 we had in Tesco vouchers, and used the £25 we saved on the controller, and Lego Indiana Jones). We’ve spent about 4 hours playing LittleBigPlanet two player and I’ve not laughed and cried so hard in years.
Lego Indiana Jones is fun two player, but it’s also more high-stress than LBP – which is just fun and crazy and stomach-achingly funny at times.
Trilogy Meter
The post is a few weeks old, but I liked this Trilogy Meter post over at Dan Meth’s blog.
So here’s the question, what’s the deal with the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies? Why do *you* think they were so bad (assuming you agree with the post linked, and the prevailing opinion on the ‘net).
I’m truly confused, I’d love to hear some constructive comments on why they were so terrible.
It’s a bright day
Is it me, or is spring already arriving in the UK? The last few days have been very spring-like, drizzly rain, bright days, very mild considering the previous few weeks (it was 13C yesterday). I guess nature will laugh at my presumption and tomorrow we’ll be neck deep in snow and hail or something.
The garden is certainly gearing up, snow drops in the front and the grass is looking pretty green after that batch of snow.
Pineapple Express (Extended, Blu-Ray)
I really had to make myself sit through the first half of Pineapple Express. While in theory the material is just the kind of comedy I should find amusing the pace was very slow and perhaps I would have been better off watching the theatrical release? The characters were a little interesting, and the initial plot seemed sound, but I just didn’t find it hilarious or outrageously funny. I smirked a few times early on, but the first real out loud laugh moment didn’t arrive until the police car chase scene when Saul sticks his foot through the windscreen (must be around half way, felt like three hours in). The movie did actually pick up after that point, the pace improved and we finally started making some progress. I was engaged finally, and after almost getting up and wandering off earlier on, I found myself interested enough to stay until the end (which was decent).
The movie revolves around a dope-smoking loser who witnesses a murder, and the ‘hilarious’ escapade which ensues while he tries to set things right with his drug dealer, girlfriend and various other people. If you’re going to rely on a plot like that you really have to make the characters, situations and dialog funny and it just wasn’t that funny. I have to wonder if Seth, Evan and Judd write this stuff while they’re totally stoned, find themselves laughing outrageously and decide to film it. Perhaps it is much funnier to watch it stoned or drunk.
I’ve no idea how it scores 7.4 on IMDB unless all 46 thousand voters were stoned or drunk though.
A weak movie with some amusing moments and one or two cracking lines, but nothing to write home about.