I wanted to paint something and I also wanted to write some reasonably lengthy and meaty blog posts, so I thought it made sense to combine the two things. Welcome then to my first painting diary where I’ll cover the process I followed to paint Reaper Miniatures’ Sasha DuBois (part of their Chronoscope line). The whole article is split up into several parts, and this is part one.
It’s worth saying what this series of articles is not. They’re not a guide on how to paint, they’re not an example of the right way to paint, they’re not about how you should paint. What it is, is purely a diary about how I painted this specific miniature. At the moment, I’ve got no idea how the figure will turn out, I may ruin it, I may give up half way through, I may finish it and hate it, or complete it and be really proud of it.
Along with the blog posts I’ll be updating a Picasa web album with all the photo’s I take. You can check out all the photo’s in the on-line gallery here.
I was going to track the progress of a space marine I got (for free!) when I bought some paint, because it would be something totally different for me. I’ve never painted a space marine, I don’t usually paint sci-fi miniatures, it’s male, and it’s fully clothed. However, I eventually decided at least for my first painting diary (on this platform) that I’d stick partially to form. Hence the figure is female and is at least partially naked (bare midriff), however it is at least a sci-fi miniature. So, here we go.