cold blargh

felt ok (drunk but ok) when i went to bed, at around 3am i woke up with a streaming nose and a sore throat.  looks like while i was drunk, a bunch of cold viruses mugged me overnight and set up shop in my nose.


was awake on and off until 6:30am when i just had to get up and check my blood sugar (it was fine) and temperature (it’s a bit low).

not sure when i stopped being drunk, when and if i had a hangover or not.

anyway, cooked a huge fry up for our friends which we had around 10:30am, don’t tell any doctors, but it was delicious.

now we’re all just mooching on a sunday afternoon, and i’m mostly sniffling.

Rambling update

Made it through to Friday, pretty tired today generally.  Lovely weather outside, bright sunshine, crisp.  Bubbles is out there somewhere baking herself in what are probably the last few days of warm enough sunshine.  She’s got conjunctivitis the poor bugger.  We’ve got some ointment to put on twice a day, she’s been pretty good about it despite the whinging.

Watched Fright Night last night after recording it on Sky+.  Classic movie, how on earth did we find those special effects ((special in the loose sense)) scary?  Not even sure why it’s an 18, I guess some of the more fleshy scenes are the cause of that.  Evan watching stuff like that the experienced is improved with the surround sound, we’re still really pleased with it.

I got sick of paying for a Sky Movies subscription and not watching anything.  It’s because we don’t sit in front of the TV these days unless we’re doing so to watch something we recorded, so I went through the entire week ahead and set 4 movies to record (Clerks II, Fright Night, Deja Vu, American Gangster) and I’m going to try and do that every few days and record anything I’ve not seen or not seen for a while.  Pan’s Labyrinth was on a week or so ago too, so recorded that and not watched it yet, and Hairspray was on Sky Anytime so I’ve ‘recorded’ that for Grete.

Still pleased with the 5.7% HbA1c result.  Found this nice little chart in case you wanted to know more about the test,

Average blood glucose
4-6.5% Normal for those without diabetes 3-8mmol/L
6.5-7.5% Target range for those with diabetes 8-10mmol/L
8-9.5% High 11-14mmol/L
Greater than 9.5% Very high 15 and above

I bought a Marathon bar ((yes, yes I know, but I like living in the 80’s)) on Wednesday to eat after I got the results, either as a celebration or a commiseration depending on how the results went.  Celebration was a good option.  I never ate a lot of chocolate or sweet stuff before being diagnosed, but I did enjoy a Snickers bar every now and then.  Almost amusingly, they don’t have a totally terrible effect on my blood sugar because of the high fat content, but as you can imagine I’ve had about three since I was diagnosed.

Roleplaying tonight, 4th edition D&D, first time we’ve played (rolled characters up last week), so should be interesting.  Always takes a while to get ‘into’ any campaign, never mind one with a new ruleset so I’m expecting tonight to be pretty slow.

My good friend Simes blogged about some TV he’s been watching.  It certainly feels like the TV schedule has picked up, mostly stuffed with American TV.  The Fringe pilot was cool, the Burn Notice pilot was also interesting and we’ll be watching that to see where it goes.  We’ve got quite a wait for the new series of Criminal Minds sadly, but Bones is back on and is as good as ever (I think).

And I’ll leave you with this,

And I think Pirates would kick both their asses.

Pain! Voltarol to the rescue

Today I have thumb pain (again).  I have obviously been sitting with my hands in stressful positions when typing recently.  The day before yesterday my left hand ached, around the base of my thumb, and then yesterday my right hand started up (left hand was ok), got worse toward the end of the night and today it’s killing me.  The pad at the base of my thumb hurts, and the tendons feel stretched again.  So I’m slathering Voltarol on and hoping it helps. The fumes the stuff gives off may certainly help.

Just looking at how I hold my hands when using this laptop, I suspect it may be at the root of the issue if I don’t concentrate I tend to hold my hands above the keyboard but rest my right hand against the base of my thumb and then stretch my thumb/fingers around to hit keys and use the mouse-nipple-thingy.

Anyway, yay me.


So I’m not feeling so well today.  As I already blogged, up early feeling sick, but I had a 2 hour meeting that I really needed to be at, at work.  I went in late, attended that and then came home again and then slept until around 4:30pm.  I still feel pretty crap but not quite on the same scale.  I get little waves of nausia every now and then and have to be careful not to drink tea too quickly.

I only recently discovered the pure delight of Google Reader (or any RSS reader for that matter) even though I sort of knew I should be doing it.  It wasn’t until I found a few sites I really wanted to follow that only had a few postings a day at most that it really came into its own.  Before, I’d try to use it for Slashdot or the BBC News site, but there’s so much stuff being publised there daily that I just used to click ‘mark all read’ and move on.  So anyway, found some sites I enjoy reading and using Google Reader.  Thought I’d share some random stuff.

Most of these sites I’ve found either through friends, or through cross-linking on a small number of sites initially and I often have no clue who the people writing them are, I read them for the articles anyway.

So anyway, I’m to about 57 subscriptions and I need to go down the links on Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men and check out some of those (since her blog links to some stuff I already read, so they may be my taste too).  I have LifeHacker and Fark RSS feeds, they generate a tonne of links every day and sometimes I read them, and othertimes I just hit mark as read.

And now it’s 7:40pm and I need to find something to eat which doesn’t disagree with me too much.

Friday at last

It’s been a long old week, but we finally made it to Friday.  I need to start doing more than 30 minutes on the Wii Fit, because I’m not out of breath after 30 now like I was at the start.  Or, start mixing it up a bit more (I tend to do mostly Aerobic stuff) and throw in some more Yoga.

I’m working on a little Wii Fit high score web-app thingy so that the folk I know with Wii Fit’s can see who’s the champion at Super Hula, but work over the last couple of days ate into my evening free time so it didn’t make much progress last night.

I think we may be about to start tabletop roleplaying again with Chris and Christine which would be fantastic, it’s always going be tougher at our age due to kids, jobs, lives, but hopefully we’ll be able to get together twice a month at least and get some games in.  Really looking forward to that (probably 4th Edition D&D at this stage).

I was reading some stuff about diabetes and the HbA1c test, and it suggested that morning glucose readings (basically, fasting readings) should give a good indication of where you are with your blood sugar control.  If the morning readings are high (consistently) then you’re probably not getting enough drugs, or your control is out, or you’re eating too much (or a combination).  Mine tend to be pretty good, I don’t check them all the time (it doesn’t really help to do that with type 2 diabetes), and at 4.8mmol/l this morning I was quite happy.  I had some low GI bread toast from a small bakery chain which I’ve not tried before, it was ok.  I’ll check in a bit and see how it affects my sugar, I had four slices so I should get a decent indication if it’s going to be worth buying or not.  (In fact, I just noticed it’s a couple of hours since I ate it, so off I go to finger-prick).

Hmm, 8.4mmol/l is a little higher than I’d like, I guess I’ll need to stick to less slices and/or the Bergen low GI bread although the strong flavour in that had started getting to me so I needed a break from it.

Bleeding done, waiting starts

Finished bleeding, nurse found a vein on the first stab but it wasn’t particularly giving and she had to wiggle the needle around to coax a full sample.

Just got to wait 7-10 days now to find out how I’ve done for the last 6 months.