Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

I wonder sometimes why I write reviews for movies which are, all things considered, pretty old ((let’s be honest, I wonder sometimes why I bother writing anything, but there you go )).  However, I guess I do it because I enjoy writing movie reviews.  Before watching Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (LS&TSB) I’d seen maybe one 5 minute section I caught accidentally one day flicking through the channels, and I’d never seen a Guy Ritchie movie.

LS&TSB is good.  It’s clever, witty, well paced and very stylish.  I like that style, I enjoy the little voice over narration and the slow motion / paused motion shots.  I liked the characters and I really enjoyed some of the performances.  The dialog felt reasonably natural although it was obviously styalised to fit with the theme.  The plot was good and interesting and although I saw the little twists coming, they were so well delivered it didn’t really matter.  I really don’t normally enjoy a lot of different characters in a film, but I managed to hold it together during LS&TSB thanks to the actors and the script.

Overall, watching it was a really good experience, and I’d recommend it to anyone who’s not seen it.  If you’re not British, you may struggle with some of the accents and the slang, but hey, it’s your turn to cope for a change (or was in 1998).

Cold Sunday morning

It’s Sunday and it’s getting colder.  I’m busy chomping my way through some Burgen toast, I find if I let it cool down before buttering it ((well, before using Bertolli on it, clearly I’m not allowed butter)) then the overall taste of the bread is much more neutral.  If I eat it hot then the linseed and soya comes through much more strongly and is off-putting.  In sandwiches (un-toasted) it tastes very strongly of its own flavours and it’s hard to taste the content.  Luckily I guess, I don’t really find sandwiches that exciting, so I’ll stick to toasting it for breakfast as a low GI start to the day.

If I was oblivious to the change in weather around me, I would soon become suspicious that something was changing because the cats are behaving differently.  Well, Fizz isn’t behaving that much differently, but Bubbles certainly is.  She’s a real heat-slut, she hunts for the hottest sunbeams, flattest baking roofs, warmest part of the floor (where hot water pipes flow underneath), cosiest chairs with abandoned hot-water bottles ((Grete often uses one to sooth her back pain)).  During the Spring, Summer and warm Autumn days this means that Bubbles insists on being outside.  Either following the sun around our slowly rotting deck or lying on the roof on either our shed or the sheds of neighbours.  She’ll come in, eat half a mouthful of biscuit and head straight back out to bake.  If it’s a bit windy she’ll lie in the house, in a sunbeam near the door.  However, as soon as the weather turns cool she changes mode.  She runs out to ‘do her business’ ((she will use the tray indoors if necessary but she much prefers to go outside)), runs back in and then curls up on the nearest soft surface.  This morning, that’s Grete’s computer chair, complete with residually warm hot-water bottle.

Her change in behaviour is the clearest sign yet that we’re heading into Autumn.  She’ll essentially sleep now until Spring.  Tough life.

Not that I can complain, snuggling down inside a warm protective house during the Winter is one of my favourite feelings in the whole world.  The whole family ((which means me, Grete and two cats)) staying warm in the lounge with the fire on and the world locked out is such an excellent feeling for me.  I’d probably opt to move somewhere cold, just so I can have the excuse of a huge roaring fire to keep us warm.

And who doesn’t love the feeling of a hot cup of tea ((insert hot beverage of your choice)) between your cold hands, warming them up even as you drink and feel it heating you up from the inside as well.

We said we’d take some bags of grass / weeds / dirt to the tip today, from Grete’s exploits turning over the other border in the garden, but I’m not sure how successful we’ll be considering the day is getting on already and we’ve not moved.  The only issue is that it’s forecast rain tomorrow and moving bags of wet grass / weeds / dirt is much more complex.

Warning: there follows pictures of spiders.

I’m jealous of some of Simes’ photo’s.  I love pictures of natural objects, but I really have no talent for seeing those shots or taking them.  My hands shake too much these days really (annoyingly) but I was inspired by some photo’s he’d taken to nip out into the garden and take some of my own.  Also, I wanted to get a couple of shots of stuff that I’d spoken about above.  So, here be photo’s.

This is a view of the back of our house, and the garden, which is only this tidy because of all the hard work Grete puts in keeping it tidy.  On the right of the photo you can see the new border she’s digging, so that we have matching borders.  When we first moved in the borders had various things growing in them, although on the left side of the photo we had a hedge and not the fence.  The tree next to the table and chairs is our little apple tree which we pruned recently.  Yesterday this garden was bathed in bright hot sunshine.  Today it looks like Autumn.
Here’s a closer shot of the border.
This is a quick close-up of the little apple tree.  I just liked the mossy appearance.
Probably the last remaining apple in the garden, on the big apple tree which towers over the decking.  Amazingly pristine considering the amount of wildlife in the garden trying to eat them.
A spider, seemingly hanging in mid-air (web is too fine to show up from this distance).
The spider in context, it’s hanging on a web between the tree and the fence, over the decking.
And finally, the full reveal, you can still see the spider in the bottom right of the photo.
Another spider, on the big apple tree (it’s covered in them).  I really like these spiders as long as they’re stationary and I don’t walk face first into their webs in the morning.
And last, but in no way least, this is Bubbles in her traditional Winter pose.

Christmas outrage

It’s still September, it’s only really just turned Autumn, and today we discovered that our local Tesco superstore has dedicated one entire isle to it’s Christmas festive produce.  Puddings, chocolates, nuts, a small selection of festive gifts.  Christmas gifts.  In SEPTEMBER.  We were in Primark and they have Christmas wrapping paper for sale.


I know we seem to be saying this every year, that shops start earlier and earlier, but surely this is getting rediculous?

Did they really always do this 15 years ago? 20 years ago?  Was I always just oblivious?  Or are shops truly starting earlier and earlier with the whole festive shopping experience.

We haven’t even had Halloween / All Hallow’s Eve / Samhain yet, how can we be thinking about Christmas.

And don’t get me started on the commercialisation of Halloween either, quoting,

Halloween celebrations in England were popularised in the late twentieth century under the pressure of American cultural influence, including a stream of films and television programmes aimed at children and adolescents, and the discovery by retail experts of a marketing opportunity to fill the empty space before Christmas. Between 2001 and 2006, consumer spending in the UK for Halloween rose tenfold from £12 m to £120 m, according to Bryan Roberts from industry analysts Planet Retail, making Halloween the third most profitable holiday for supermarkets.

Bah humbug (I can’t believe I have to say that in September).

Wii Fit high score thing – friend only beta

If you want to play with the (3/4’s done) Wii Fit high score thingy, drop me a note or post a comment (fill in your regular e-mail in the e-mail field, it won’t display) letting me know what username you want.  Only folk I know for the moment, so don’t go giving out the URL.

Positive equity (in theory)

We’re starting the 5th year in our ‘new’ house (we bought it and moved in in 2003, around August if I recall).  We bought the house with a more-than-100% mortgage.  We didn’t have any money for a deposit (we were renting, no plans to buy, until our landlady wanted to move back in) and we had no spare cash to cover all the costs and paying moving firms, etc.  So we borrowed more than the house was worth from the mortgage company.  In those days they were eager to lend us the cash.

Assuming the value of our house now is probably the same as it was 5 years ago (it went up for a bit and then has probably fallen again in the last year) we’re into positive equity now.  We’ve paid enough off the mortgage and associated unsecured loan that we now owe less than the value of the property (hopefully).

This may have happened earlier, I may have just not noticed on our mortgage statements, but it’s still a pretty good feeling knowing that there’s a good chance we’re in the black on our house after having little choice but to be hugely in the red.

While we still have an overdraft I don’t want and more credit card debt than I’d like, it is another slow step in the right direction (since paying off our other unsecured loan recently).

Friday at last

It’s been a long old week, but we finally made it to Friday.  I need to start doing more than 30 minutes on the Wii Fit, because I’m not out of breath after 30 now like I was at the start.  Or, start mixing it up a bit more (I tend to do mostly Aerobic stuff) and throw in some more Yoga.

I’m working on a little Wii Fit high score web-app thingy so that the folk I know with Wii Fit’s can see who’s the champion at Super Hula, but work over the last couple of days ate into my evening free time so it didn’t make much progress last night.

I think we may be about to start tabletop roleplaying again with Chris and Christine which would be fantastic, it’s always going be tougher at our age due to kids, jobs, lives, but hopefully we’ll be able to get together twice a month at least and get some games in.  Really looking forward to that (probably 4th Edition D&D at this stage).

I was reading some stuff about diabetes and the HbA1c test, and it suggested that morning glucose readings (basically, fasting readings) should give a good indication of where you are with your blood sugar control.  If the morning readings are high (consistently) then you’re probably not getting enough drugs, or your control is out, or you’re eating too much (or a combination).  Mine tend to be pretty good, I don’t check them all the time (it doesn’t really help to do that with type 2 diabetes), and at 4.8mmol/l this morning I was quite happy.  I had some low GI bread toast from a small bakery chain which I’ve not tried before, it was ok.  I’ll check in a bit and see how it affects my sugar, I had four slices so I should get a decent indication if it’s going to be worth buying or not.  (In fact, I just noticed it’s a couple of hours since I ate it, so off I go to finger-prick).

Hmm, 8.4mmol/l is a little higher than I’d like, I guess I’ll need to stick to less slices and/or the Bergen low GI bread although the strong flavour in that had started getting to me so I needed a break from it.

meh then it went mad

Work was mad, had some major issues and ended up working on it until 10pm.

Bad food day /sigh.  You don’t want to know what I ate for my evening meal (at 9:30pm).