And so it begins

Depending on the time of day and the direction the wind blows, this site is now 4th or 5th on Google if you search for perception is truth, and second if you search for “perception is truth”.  Google is fickle so those positions will change over time naturally.  Obviously, individual posts that are slowly showing up on Google have different page ranks and show up in different locations.  But the spam comments have finally begun.

This is both good and bad, it means the site can now be found on Google, maybe even by people ((although as a personal blog I have no idea what value finding it might bring)) and of course it means that robots and automated spamination machines can find it and start posting comments.

So far, Akismet (the default spam plugin for WordPress) has spotted the 14 spam comments and I haven’t been forced to deal with them.  I was amused to find which posts they latched onto.  The last 11 comments were all attached to the post I made about recipe books.  They all link to a single cookery website (according to the URL, I never visited to check).  Two insurance links on my post about Bacon Cobs (!), and so far a lone single mortgage spam (geddit, lone? loan?) on my post about being in positive equity.

As long as Akismet keeps catching the spam, I find the whole thing quite amusing and the stats/analysis quite interesting.  Obviously, once the load is so high that my bandwidth suffers or that I have to start manually dealing with the spam I’ll be less amused, but for now it’s ok.

Comment etiquette

So, comments.  If you leave comments and I reply, do you come back and read them?  Would you prefer if I replied as a blog posting so it’s more obvious I replied?  Do you use the comments RSS feed to track replies?

I’m stuck on comment etiquette.


So I’m not feeling so well today.  As I already blogged, up early feeling sick, but I had a 2 hour meeting that I really needed to be at, at work.  I went in late, attended that and then came home again and then slept until around 4:30pm.  I still feel pretty crap but not quite on the same scale.  I get little waves of nausia every now and then and have to be careful not to drink tea too quickly.

I only recently discovered the pure delight of Google Reader (or any RSS reader for that matter) even though I sort of knew I should be doing it.  It wasn’t until I found a few sites I really wanted to follow that only had a few postings a day at most that it really came into its own.  Before, I’d try to use it for Slashdot or the BBC News site, but there’s so much stuff being publised there daily that I just used to click ‘mark all read’ and move on.  So anyway, found some sites I enjoy reading and using Google Reader.  Thought I’d share some random stuff.

Most of these sites I’ve found either through friends, or through cross-linking on a small number of sites initially and I often have no clue who the people writing them are, I read them for the articles anyway.

So anyway, I’m to about 57 subscriptions and I need to go down the links on Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men and check out some of those (since her blog links to some stuff I already read, so they may be my taste too).  I have LifeHacker and Fark RSS feeds, they generate a tonne of links every day and sometimes I read them, and othertimes I just hit mark as read.

And now it’s 7:40pm and I need to find something to eat which doesn’t disagree with me too much.

Mythbusters viral-video special

Mythbusters are doing a viral video special and have posted on youtube asking for people to link to videos they want debunked, the best will be chosen for the show.  I thought it would be useful to track the posted video because the responses should contain some nice links to a load of random mythical stuff on youtube.


Woke up at 4:30am in a cold sweat feeling pretty sick.  You’ll be pleased to know I haven’t been sick (yet), but we’re both still awake and I’m trying to take my mind off the messages my stomach is sending to my brain.

Also, love the pullout quotes, thanks to Mr Artiss for pointing that one out.

Friday at last

It’s been a long old week, but we finally made it to Friday.  I need to start doing more than 30 minutes on the Wii Fit, because I’m not out of breath after 30 now like I was at the start.  Or, start mixing it up a bit more (I tend to do mostly Aerobic stuff) and throw in some more Yoga.

I’m working on a little Wii Fit high score web-app thingy so that the folk I know with Wii Fit’s can see who’s the champion at Super Hula, but work over the last couple of days ate into my evening free time so it didn’t make much progress last night.

I think we may be about to start tabletop roleplaying again with Chris and Christine which would be fantastic, it’s always going be tougher at our age due to kids, jobs, lives, but hopefully we’ll be able to get together twice a month at least and get some games in.  Really looking forward to that (probably 4th Edition D&D at this stage).

I was reading some stuff about diabetes and the HbA1c test, and it suggested that morning glucose readings (basically, fasting readings) should give a good indication of where you are with your blood sugar control.  If the morning readings are high (consistently) then you’re probably not getting enough drugs, or your control is out, or you’re eating too much (or a combination).  Mine tend to be pretty good, I don’t check them all the time (it doesn’t really help to do that with type 2 diabetes), and at 4.8mmol/l this morning I was quite happy.  I had some low GI bread toast from a small bakery chain which I’ve not tried before, it was ok.  I’ll check in a bit and see how it affects my sugar, I had four slices so I should get a decent indication if it’s going to be worth buying or not.  (In fact, I just noticed it’s a couple of hours since I ate it, so off I go to finger-prick).

Hmm, 8.4mmol/l is a little higher than I’d like, I guess I’ll need to stick to less slices and/or the Bergen low GI bread although the strong flavour in that had started getting to me so I needed a break from it.

Crazy Linkage FTW!

So I signed up to Twitter (yeh yeh) and connected it to my facebook status thingy and added a wordpress plugin thingy so it’s even harder to hide from my random crap.

Twitter updates in the sidebar on the right, I promise not to just tell you what I’m eating for dinner, and I’ll try and refrain from updating twitter every time I blog, but for this one I wanted to check how it works.