Don’t worry, I promise no pictures this time. My gum has finally stopped being sore on it’s own and is now only sore if I poke the socket or press against the underlying jaw through the gum flesh (yes yes, so why do I keep doing it). The gum is growing over the wound slowly, but it’s still pretty tender. I can however, finally, eat on both sides of my mouth again, although it’s going to take some getting used to. On the right side, the gap means I push food down below the top molar into the gap, rather than tearing it, it sort of just pushes it around. I have to jiggle the food around a bit to get it over a tooth edge and hence truly chewed.
Since I have no one else to blame other than myself for this piece of mouth stupidity, I’m still beating myself up about it (it’s a personality flaw). As Grete says, if I believed in God I’d make a great Catholic since I do personal guilt so well.
So it’s progress anyway, and I’m pleased it’s finally getting somewhere. The pain under my tongue has mostly gone which I was attributing to the injections I got at the time, and for most of the time was causing more discomfort than the immediate gum pain. So that’s good, I’m pleased.
I still need to arrange another appointment for 2 fillings and some cleaning, but I’ve been putting that off, partly due to cost and partly due to well, it being the dentist. I’ll try and get that done soon.