More Internets

Well, this is getting silly again, I’ve signed up for a BT Internet account, because they are offering 0800 access until Jan 3rd.

Today has been pretty hellish again, Grete’s really ill, and I’m only marginally better. Cooked the turkey – will bin it tomorrow. Cooked and ate some of the beef. Cooked all of the parsnips, I love ’em 😉

Let’s hope we’re both much better tomorrow.


Yes, I know, I know, over a month since the last update. But here it is, eventually.

Well, it’s Christmas day, and I’m updating my web page, sad isn’t it? In my defence I claim flu, and a temperature of 102 degrees yesterday and 99 today. Grete has now come down with it too – and we’ve cancelled Christmas lunch (postponed perhaps until tomorrow …).

Still, we have each other and our gifts, and we’re making the most of it.

Life has been quite good recently, which is probably why this hasn’t been updated very often, money seems to be working better, and things generally are taking care of themselves. Had a scare with the car, but Andy bless his cotton socks saved us, and it wasn’t overly expensive in the end.

Saw End of Days at the cinema, quite good, not what I was expecting perhaps, but entertaining non-the-less. [pause for wracking painful coughing fit]

I think we’ll cheer ourselves up in the new year by purchasing a DVD player (we’re renting a nice TV now, not that 14inch portable thing any more).

Anyway, I’m going downhill again – will write more tomorrow perhaps …

Life is good

Hmm, things are better 🙂 Several things have happened to ensure that certain dick heads in the world don’t get me down too much.

Life is good 🙂


Hey, not bad, 10 days this time.

I’ve got a cold, I hate colds.

We’re now gearing up to play Shadowrun, I think we’d got tired of the MERP/Rolemaster rules, more than the game, so we’re having a break before going back to it.

I am continually annoyed by the dichotomy caused by having a moral code, and living by it, only to find those without such a code can rubbish you, and you can’t respond. I don’t want to respond, I’m
happy with the way I live my life, the way I do things, and my wife and friends ensure that I keep my feet on the ground. I find it highly offensive when people make public things you say in private, like personal e-mail.

And so, when presented with a problem which forces me to decide about making public comments made to me to defend myself, or not defending myself, I find I have to choose the latter. I can’t complain about others making public my private thoughts, and so I can’t make the comments of others public, even if doing so would support my stance, or actions.

On the whole, I think I prefer to be this way, I know I have some integrity, some moral code which I live by. I’m sure those people who don’t follow that code have their own, and they think their actions are honourable, but I am saddened at the lack of, searches for the right word, common sense is perhaps the wrong word [phase], but the nearest I can find, shown by some people who assume silence means guilt.

I am silent, because I refuse to use the tactics of those who lie about me, not because those lies are true.

Anyway, life goes on – as ever.

Hopefully this cold will go soon as well, I’ll need all my energy for tomorrows Shadowrun session.


I know, I know, another month since the last update! What can I say, sometimes it’s just hard to motivate yourself. Grete’s much better 🙂

Spent far too much money and bought an entire Warhammer Vampire Counts army, which I now have to paint 😉 Should keep me occupied anyway.

Probably more later …


Keep thinking about re-writing this page to use perl/cgi, so that I can add entries from anywhere with web browser access. But I probably won’t, I can always FTP it down from anywhere and make the
changes manually, which is safer.

Grete’s not well – got some sort of cold/virus thing that’s going around at the moment. Get well e-mails to [removed] if you please 😉

Simes has done what we knew he would 😉 Index4 is coming …

House woe

One day I will work out how to manage my own bank account. Ah well. Anyone want to buy a house? In Stockton? Make a nice holiday home, suit someone who likes painting, decorating, DIY and gardening.

Crystal Ball

Well, another lazy day spent playing with 0800 Internet Access – slow, usually broken, and annoying, but free calls non-the-less.

I hold out hope for the day Internet calls become either free or un-metered.

Y2k Compliant

All new entries to this diary are year 2000 compliant. 😉

Well, e-mail to proved unreliable [as in, I think we’ve lost about 36-48 hours worth of mail down a blackhole], and their tech support proved un-interested so I’ve moved e-mail back to for both myself and Grete.

Would someone kindly donate me a T1 so that I can show people how to run a web/e-mail service and keep your customers happy at the same time.

Glad it’s the weekend – although this week at work was one of the better ones for quite a while to be honest.

Money’s a problem again I wish I had more control over my own spending urges.