Black fingers!

Well, done a bit of ‘painting’. Undercoated some wight cavalry and the Black Coach (which is currently white). Stuck the tail onto another piece, tried my hand at using some ‘pinning’ but a) used a piece of metal too thick and short and b) got it at the wrong angle. I guess what you need is thinner wire you can perhaps bend a touch when the glue has dried?

I think I’ll make a post to the min-painting list about that.

Anyway, may do some more painting in a bit. (You can check out previous efforts here).

Slow day

Well, it’s another slow day in the office.

Friends are busy tonight, so we’ll have to amuse ourselves again. Guess we could watch one of the DVD’s, although no doubt we’ll spend the night staring at the PC’s.

I need to tweek NewsMangler some more (is tweek spelled like that or like tweak? and is it spelled or spelt?) so that it doesn’t try posting to general groups on servers which only carry specific ones.

Ah well, might do that. I want to start painting again if I can get my mind into gear. Could do that tonight I guess.

And then, there’s the eternal question. What do we have for tea?

Newsmangler update

Well, I think I’ve got newsmangler handling ISP specific newsgroups now. It can cope with,

1. grabbing newsgroups from one server only
2. grabbing only a specific sub-set of groups from one server
3. posting to groups handled by only a single server

Not sure if I’ve got all the permutations covered, but we’ll find out I guess.

Newsmangler …

Well, back to newsmangler – I’m trying to add code to allow me to restrict which groups are collected/posted to which servers (so that I can stop sending my NTL newsgroups postings to the rest of the world!)


It’s weird how much of an effect getting 0800 Internet access has had. Grete has had it before of course, but for me, not paying for any time on the net is a novelty. I wonder if it will wear of.

Sorted …

Well, I’ve made the changes to the web site, stolen a bit of PHP, decommissioned the tagman mirror of the site, and uploaded the whole thing, and it looks quite nice.

The configuration options available at LiveJournal are just amazing!

So anyway, diary updates should be more regular (ha, yeh, likely story).

It’s certainly a hell of a lot easier to use this, than to keep updating my own page, and after months of looking for an easy to setup/use diary CGI alternative, this option is just perfect.

First Entry …

Well, this is the first entry in my Live Journal. The whole thing needs configuring so that it has the same look as my website, and then I’ll include it. It certainly makes diary updates easier, and it should (hopefully) mean that they occur more often.

Long break

Well, another long break between entries.

It’s been a pretty crap month, the last half of August. Only the Omega event provided anything worth noting. I’m in a pretty foul mood most of the time, Grete’s suffering my horrible moods. I swing from depression through to apathy and back again most of the time, spend 80% of my time awake worrying about money and the other 20% of it spending money I don’t have.

On the lighter send, towards the end of August things improved a little. Discovered a roleplaying shop in Nottingham, and purchased Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition, and the Star Wars 2nd Edition rulebook, which I’ve been after for a couple of years.

D&D 3rd Ed looks quite nice.

I’ve also attended my first GenCon, we went for one day, and were only there four hours, that time was spent in the trader’s hall spending more money we don’t have (but enjoying it), on several things, one of which made me very happy. I’ve finally got Warrior Knights, the boardgame, and for a very reasonable price IMO (£30). Now all I have to do is play it again with some folk, and see if it lives up to the memories I have of playing it when I was 15-19.

Grete managed to a picture drawn and signed by Larry Elmore, which she is justly proud of, I also bought the Birthright AD&D 2nd Edition box set, which has interested me for some time. Interestingly, I discovered that quite a lot of my AD&D collection is reasonably rare, and worth a bob or two as well, which is nice.

I keep feeling like I have all this creative energy inside me, and no outlet. And yet, I’m too apathetic to do anything about it


[As a side note, we’re now a 4 PC family again – two P100’s – one of them is the news server as before, although it’s also running a SCSI 4mm DAT Drive for backups, and the other is in the proper bedroom, for reading mail at all hours of the night ;)]


Another month long gap in the diary. Ah well. This time mostly due to apathy, depression and then manic activity. It’s been a pretty down and generally sad month, not really achieved much, been a bit down at work, etc. However, the Omega LRP event was totally excellent, very relaxing, and very entertaining. But it was pretty hectic 😉 There are some photos of us on-line, here.

Go into the Out of Character section, and then choose Pictures.

Gonna take us a while to recover from it – the weekends seem very quiet now, and it’s 8 months until the next one. Ho hum.