
Our house is being valued, by the mortgage company of a potential buyer.

Nope, even now those words don’t quite sink in. But they are true none-the-less. Fingers crossed everyone.


Scientific experiments have shown it takes me four days to relax after being at work for a week. Friday and Saturday are days where I feel the need to be busy, because I’m still on that ‘must meet deadlines’ sensation from work. Sunday I’m just in recovery, and generally full of sloth. By Monday, if I wasn’t at work, I’d be ready to paint or do stuff for myself again. I really could do 4 day working weeks I think, which would give me one day in seven that I could whatever I wanted for myself, and actually have the energy to do so.

I’m sure some people would just say ‘oh get on and do it and just pull yourself together’ but not everyone works that way.

On the plus side, at least work is interesting and busy again.


Having a serious retro weekend. Downloaded an Intellivision emulator yesterday, which Grete has been playing loads of old Intellivision games on. Downloaded a speccy emulator again, and then a whole bunch of games overnight, and played a few of them today. Bomb Jack on the speccy! Just awesome 😉 Those special effects are astounding. Also got MAME and am now trying out loads of ROM’s. The memories they evoke are weird.

As it happens, uk.culture.nostalgia.1980s has just been created on usenet as well, which doesn’t help 😉

I’ve been browsing e-bay looking at the Big Tracks 😉

Time for an update said Zebedee

Been a rather busy few weeks. I’ve been working a lot, weekends, evenings, on-call, usual stuff. Finally things are starting to get busy at work again which is nice.

Socially things are picking up. We managed to get a game of the Wheel of Time RPG yesterday, with some friends we met at an LRP event a few years back. New game, new GM (to us, he’s GM’ed before, and we know him, but we’ve never played in one of his table-top games), new system, new characters, so generally nervy beginning with people trying to work out who’s who. Another friend turned up unexpectedly today as well, which was nice.

The house is on the market with a new agency. Different tactic, but with luck it’ll be sold in a month or so (fingers crossed, they seemed confident). If we do sell it, I’m not sure what we’ll do! Drink and be merry after recovering from the shock I guess.

My feelings towards the Halifax company are worse than ever. After treating us very unsatisfactorily over our mortgage during the last 5 years, the estate agency side didn’t do us much good either [we appreciate their help looking after the place, which is outside of their normal remit, but failing to sell the place in over 18 months is a bit disappointing, and then having to pay £80+ just to terminate our contract is annoying. We knew we’d have to do it, but it still sucks. {especially as their currently doing no sale no fee offers, and they wouldn’t do that for us retrospectively}].

Try and Sleep

I think I’ll try and get another couple of hours sleep. I’ve had a cup of tea, which has calmed me down a bit (I know, weird), so with any luck I may doze off until the alarm goes off at 7:30.

4 am!

Can’t sleep. Feeling a touch light-headed, and everything seems to be moving very slowly, while I’m moving very quickly. Odd sensation, sure it’s not normal.

I guess I’ll pay tomorrow for being awake at 4:26am, but there you go.


Progress, however small, is still progress. We’ve dropped the contract for selling our house with the Halifax – 20 months on their books and no progress at all! And it costs us £75 to get out of it as well, still. We’re going to give another agency a go, and while the fees are steep if we do sell, they seem confident they can sell the property within 4 to 6 weeks, and because of the price they are talking about, we’ll still be in the black afterwards even with the steep fees.

Dem Bones

Another batch of skeletons painted, which makes 40 in total. Far more than I’ve painted in ages, and I’m quite pleased with myself. I’ve started in earnest on the zombies, but they’re more detailed, and more varied (since they are clothed), and I want to get a theme, without making them all exactly the same colour [with the skeletons I kept a theme by doing certain bits of trim in purple]. Might do some more with the zombies tomorrow.

House stuff is a little tantalising, we had a leaflet posted from a place which said ‘market value paid’, but it turns out they are a middle-man type company which finds property for people currently renting who want to buy. Grete’s going to show them around, and we’ll see how it goes, but I’m less confident now I know what they really do, than I was when we weren’t sure. It would mean having to drop the contract with the Halifax as well (£70 charge for doing so, sigh). Still, fingers crossed eh?