Optimism – officially sanctioned ignorance?

I’m not an optimist, and optimists seem to take offence at what they view as a negative outlook on life. However, it’s only negative because their view is eternally optimistic. If you believe tomorrow you’ll win the lottery and I tell you that it’s really unlikely and that in fact, if I put a bet on it, I’d probably win the bet and I’d be richer than you. You’ll think I was being negative, I’ll think I was being realistic. If I’m right and you don’t win you’ll say ‘oh well, maybe tomorrow’. I’ll say ‘that’s not very likely’ and you’ll get all angry again about how negative I am.

How can that be healthy?

And yet being ‘negative’ is usually heavily criticised. I understand why, there’s no surprise, being negative (or as I would describe it, being realistic) can get in the way of feeling good, having something to look forward to is great and sometimes you need to be optimistic to believe that thing will happen and hence be able to look forward to it.

If you’re a realist, you don’t expect to win the lottery, and so you can’t look forward to doing so.

That leads to another thing about this dynamic, optimists don’t understand why those of us who are realists or negative keep going things. Back to our lottery example, I play the lottery. Every week I buy two tickets (by direct debit no less) and I’m in a syndicate at work with some friends. I can simultaneously have no expectation at all of winning the lottery and yet I can still play it. I don’t need the optimistic belief that I’ll win to drive me to play. This extends into every aspect of being optimistic or negative.

I’ve been saying from a very early age that expecting to fail isn’t a good reason not to try – sometimes you’re wrong. I guess that’s actually an optimistic view with negative overtones. But it’s worked for me, sometimes I look at something and think yep – no chance in hell of succeeding. But it doesn’t stop me trying, which I guess is a human trait. An underlying blind optimism that runs through most of us. What I don’t do, is relay that optimism verbally or mentally. I don’t need to hide the truth or the facts or the chances, in order to get myself to try something.

The real kicker is when people (mostly optimists) get upset on my behalf because of my reality based / negative view of things. Here’s a classic example conversation,

Them: “Do you want to buy a lottery ticket?”
Me: “Hmm, 1 in 14 million chance of winning, not very likely is it? But yeh what the hell I’ll buy a ticket.”
Them: “Man if you’re going to be so negative about it why do you bother?”
Me: “Well, I might be wrong?”
Them: “God! How do you cope with being so negative?”
Me: “I’m a realist actually.”
Them: “Oh, is that what you call it? I call it pessimism.” storms off
Me: “But, my ticket?”
Them: shouting from distance “If you’re going to be so negative I’m not going to sell you one and make you even more unhappy.”
Me: “But, I’m not unhappy?”

Optimists are trying to save me from my reality based view of the world. And yet, I find the irony that it is they who have a false view of how things are tantalisingly sweet.

The good thing of course is you can never really upset an optimist long term.

Them: “Hey, I came back, I thought what the hell, even if you don’t believe you can win, I’ll believe for you. So here you go.”
Me: “Oh, thanks, yes, very nice of you.”

For clarity, here are the ways to work out if you’re an optimist, realist or pessimist.

It’s raining. Ask yourself ‘what will the weather be like tomorrow?’

Optimist: Could be sunny, you never know!
Realist: Probably rain.
Pessimist: Probably rain.

It’s sunny. Ask yourself ‘what will the weather be like tomorrow?’

Optimist: Gonna be the hottest day this year, I can feel it!
Realist: Probably sunny.
Pessimist: Probably rain.

I’m not a pessimist. I’m a realist.

gmail over SSL

Google have added an option to force gmail to use SSL for everything rather than just for the initial login/authentication. I strongly advise you turn it on.

Go to your gmail account, choose Settings, and then at the bottom of the first page make sure ‘Always use https’ is selected.

You’ll need to patch gmail notifier if you use it – full details here.

The result of this is that all the traffic between you and Google is encrypted while you’re reading / checking / sending mail. It prevents people from hijacking your session over wireless connections or snooping your conversations.

council tax

Not long after we moved into this house, maybe just before, the council in Stockon-on-Tees got in touch and told us we owed them around £600 or so, in council tax arrears. This was due to a lot of confusion, some on my part, some on theirs, around when we moved out and when the house was vacant and a number of other issues. At the time I was livid that it had taken them so long to work out they’d missed the money and we agreed that I’d pay it back £20 a month, because at the time we’d just moved house and really didn’t have any cash.

A few days ago I remembered that little £20 standing order, and of course I couldn’t remember how much we owed them, but I resolved to give them a call and find out how much was left outstanding.

We’re in credit by over £300.

I’m sure the people in the Stockton-on-Tees council tax offices are lovely people, the lady on the phone sounded pleasant enough and was very helpful. But it took them over three years to remember we owed them money in the first place (we kept them up-to-date with where we were and what was happening) and then once I’d paid off the debt they happily kept accepting the money and never bothered to get in touch when I went in credit. Good software they must have tracking those accounts.

Anyway, £20 a month back now I’ve cancelled the standing order and a £300 cheque in the post in a week or so.

Another debt from our debt-ridden past gone, another step away from the legacy of that house.

(And I’m still having to put in word verification for each post – tfhgovml !)

the man …

… arrived about 10 minutes ago, tv won’t play ball and made a little bit of the noise but nowhere near as much as it normally does. anyway he believes us and is ‘on the case’.

with what looks like a lot of velcro.

word verification

so i did it, i went back and added to blogger everything i can find that i ever blogged, wrote or posted. so the archive of my complete inane rambling now goes back a good few years, and has all the stuff from live journal, some random posts i made in some forums, a few non-blog posts i wrote.

took three goes over a few days to get everything in, and the most painful bit is that after about 25 blog posts in a 24 hour period blogger adds word verification to each post entry, so i have to copy and paste the entry, update the time, and then type ‘khhbjbsdzxuahbas’ 89 times before submit works.

some of the google word verification links are truly evil.

i don’t suggest anyone goes back and reads any of the crap i posted, i really just included it so everything is in one place (blogger let’s you export stuff now, so i can back everything up with a handy single click).

if you read any posts though, read this one -> me and people, and this one i asked grete to marry me which seems like as good a place to start blogging as anywhere.

one thing that’s clear from reading back all my old blog posts is the number of recurring themes and how it’s always the same things i worry about. also, it’s 12 years since i started posting snippets of my life in public places (i.e. outside of fidonet, which started much earlier, i’m not sure if i’ll post any of the fidonet stuff, i have sudden deja vu that i’ve spoken about that before), and it’s clear to me that i have some basic need to be heard. when i’m not blogging i’m sending blog-like e-mails to the gemmellfantasy mailing list, or making blog-like posts to various website forums.

now that most of the content at www.darkstorm.co.uk/tony is in blogger i’ll need to decide what i’m doing with that site.


no energy for upper case today. tv repair man (assuming it’s not a woman) is coming around between 2 and 5 to have a look at the tv. the speakers resonate when there’s a specific frequency being played which is usually deep voices (for some reason, without a trace and ncis are the worst offenders although it’s possible we don’t watch enough other stuff to notice it). so they’re bringing some more speakers and hopefully a ‘main board’ to repair the tv.

real shame because i loved the lcd tv, and i hate it when technology fails.

we had half planned to go out for breakfast but grete reminded me they were calling in the morning to let us know when they were coming around, and i had this image of us missing their call, them putting it back to tuesday and me spending my entire two week holiday waiting for the tv repair guy (unless it’s a gal) to turn up.

weather is shit anyway so no paddling in the ocean for us today. grete (and myself i may add) want to try and get to the beach if it’s warm enough and paddle without shredding our feet like we nearly did in brighton. the council in brighton should ship in a billion tons of sand and get rid of that pebble beach shit[1]. i’m sure sandy beaches support more types of natural wildlife, like paddlers and sandcastle builders or something.

so i’m sitting here, in the muggy dampness of the height of the british summer (it’s raining) waiting for the tv repair bloke (unless it’s a lass) to turn up so i can start my holiday for real. which probably describes my life, always waiting for something to happen so i can start my life for real.

and then you look back and think ‘shit, that was life, that i just let go by while waiting for it to start’, or something. i think i read a quote recently from someone, let me see if i can find it, meh can’t find it, never mind, it was really insightful and sharp. basically, stop waiting for it to happen, this is it.

which is good advice, when i look back in a few years i’ll probably wish i’d done just that.

maybe i’ll cherish the day i blogged without using the shift key.

we’re planning to visit tracey and stuart at the end of the holiday, and visit fiona in the middle (although i need to talk to fi and confirm details), there’s the beach (and we may have to go paddling in the rain, and if we do we will, fuck you british summertime), birmingham sea life centre looks neat although the ticket buying process scared me (really, i had nightmares) and we have to go and see hellyboy 3 (no spoilers from anyone ok?). the mummy got bad reviews and i may just wait for it on dvd.

maybe i’ll have another cup of tea in my favourite cup (from lindisfarne which we visited during our honeymoon two week tour of the uk, during which we took in 5, maybe 6 different locations!) or maybe i’ll watch some olympics on tv.

fuck it, i’m on holiday, i’ll do both.

edit: visit to fi sorted.

[1] i have half a mind to start a facebook group dedicated to convincing the uk government to do just this.