I made a bowl(s)

I’ve really been enjoying the wood turning, it’s so nice to take something raw and rough and turn it into a useable object, or even just something nice to look at. I have a long, long way to go, but I’ve made some things I’m really proud of.

I’ve not photographed everything (almost, but not quite), and there’s a few spindles missing (nostepinne) among other things. I’ve included some photos of explosive failures too!

It’s great to get out into the shed after a tough day at work, and just make something pretty. Stuff I need to work on.

  • Tool sharpening
  • Tool handling (bowl gouge especially)
  • Getting better surface finishes off the tool, and understanding which tools work best on different grains
  • Getting the inside of bowls as nice as the outside
  • Getting the bottom of bowls as nice as the outside
  • Not settling for ‘good enough’ when doing a bowl
  • Also, thinner. I love me a chunky bowl, but I think I’m taking it too easy and need to make some thinner pieces.