I forgot to have lunch

Some days I get really hungry and no amount of sensible eating really deals with it.  There’s a school of thought which says I’m probably not hungry, but thirsty since humans have lost the ability to clearly tell the difference in all situations.  Anyway, I was sitting in the lounge at around 2:50pm, working (just finished a conference call) and snacking on some chicken bite things, thinking man I’m hungry.  Obviously, that kind of feeling requires a blog post.  Because you’re all about the up-to-the-minute details of my boring day to day life (I would have written boring ass life, but Kevin Smith beat me to it).

So I opened WordPress, and started a blog post, and wrote what I’d had for breakfast and what I’d had for lunch and that I was still hungry.  Only when I went to write what I had for lunch, I realised I hadn’t had any.

Which is probably a better reason for my hunger than just random ‘maybe I’m hungry’.  So there.  I forgot to each lunch and you didn’t have to read a blog about what I’d eaten.

4 thoughts on “I forgot to have lunch

  1. This has got to be the most exciting blog I’ve read in the last three minutes. Brilliant! I want to know more about what you eat and other stuff you get up to.

    ( 😉 )

  2. No idea how it works out your image. The settings are set to MonsterID, but somehow WordPress knows who you are.

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