Sporting injuries

Opened up rhythm boxing on the wii fit last night (you open up more games / skills as you put in time), and today I can’t lift my left arm over my head. No pain no gain right? I’m still really impressed with the Wii Fit, and the Wii in general. Trying to beat your previous score, trying to get a clear run on the skiing, trying to learn the right steps on the step stuff, all adds up to excercising without it feeling like it (until 8 hours afterwards when your muscles, which you have spent 10 years ignoring, suddenly decide to moan).

Anyway, you should buy one (yes, you).

2 thoughts on “Sporting injuries

  1. I really have fun with the boxing and ‘step aerobics’, and I love the balance games (I got like a 398 on the soccer ball panda head game this morning!)

    I finally got brave and started doing more of the challenging yoga poses and the strength training. I am horrible at push ups. I hurt after a session, for a few days. My only complaint is that it can’t measure that I’m doing a horrible wussified push up, so it won’t be able to tell me when I’m getting better. I guess I’ll just have to know in my heart.

  2. If I gush about it too much I’ll sound crazy, but I love the football heading thing, mostly because of the sound it makes when you get by a shoe, we cry with laughter which ruins our score.

    I tried the pushups thing, I’ve had some bad memories about pushups since I was in school because I’ve always had arms too weak to lift my bulk, and it’s no different these days, so I cried with laughter when I saw what it wanted. I managed one real pushup, one side thingy, then I laughed a lot, and then did one more pushup and the other side. We’ve not been back to that option since 🙂

    Grete *loves* the Yoga, and we both love the aerobic stuff (the step stuff is just brilliant, although I’m going to break an ankle ‘let’s go a bit faster’ indeed).

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