
Another day, another dollar

Finally worked out where my ‘keeping track of finances’ was going wrong. I’ve been ignoring interest on the account when catching up, because I hadn’t realised it had gotten up to £4.71 a month. After 6 or 7 months, that’s quite a bit.

Still, all sorted now (I hope) so we should be back on track.

I’ve managed to keep my promise to myself, and do some painting every night. Don’t seem to be getting very much done, but at least I’m doing some. More info on the painting page.

Work was ok, we’re finally getting to grips with our active tasks, looking forward to having another new team member soon.

Dim Sum 🙂 25th September 🙂 Can’t wait.

Pay Day :)) 20th September, have to wait 🙁

I wonder, am I really iNTj, or do I just wish I was?

Rain ………..