One of the advantages of taking out the Articles thing (see here), is that I can stop worrying about posting these blog entries in order. I’ve already written two posts which are scheduled to go tomorrow and Wednesday, but another Spectrum arrived this morning. If I’d stuck with the article structure, I would have had to either schedule this post for Thursday, or renumber the other articles.
Instead, I can share with you my joy, the joy of my lucky wife, and the joy of the postman, and announce that this arrived!
What could it be!? Turns out it’s the first Spectrum I bought, way back on the 6th September (not going to be a positive feedback experience on eBay dude).
The good news is, it’s in pretty good condition, it’s supposed to be a 48K Spectrum and the memory test indicates it is! Yay!
That takes the total so far to 5 ZX Spectrums. Four rubber key (16K and 48K) and one Spectrum +2. The good news is, that at best, there’s only two more on the way (one in good condition for a Buy Now price I couldn’t ignore, and the other is broken, but I want a complete UHF modulator to play with).
At least I haven’t bought an Interface 1 or Microdrive yet.
Or an Atari 400.
Or a mint condition ZX80 for about £100.
I’ve asked about a bit on advice for taking photo’s from CRT televisions, so hopefully at some point in the next few days I’ll get some half decent shots of one of working.