These posts are archives of forum / blog entries I made on my EverQuest guild website. The website won’t be around forever, and I wanted the posts all in one place so I didn’t lose them, this blog seemed like as good a place as any.
It’s nearly a month since Agnarr fell, and the TNF Raid Force hasn’t slowed it’s assault on the Planes of Power.
We took a break the weekend after Agnarr due to server outages and downtime.
The weekend of the 28th January saw TNF take on the Mithaniel Marr line again. A very long but successful raid meant AD, HoH trials 1-3, and Lord Mithaniel Marr fell. We rounded off with Velitorkin (he was lonely).
For the first weekend in February, we focussed our attention on Bertoxxulous and his High Priest. A quick run through the Carprin event, and another successful spanking of Bertox ensued. We also completed the 2 Sol Ro mini’s that TNF hadn’t attempted previously.
And the weekend just gone meant another Tactics run, from a complete and very smooth MB, through our second ever Rallos Zek kill, and then a trouncing of his brothers as well.
All-in-all, an excellent few weeks for TNF, confirming that our first-time-kills of Bertox, Rallos Zek and Lord Marr are repeatable, and getting ever-more people flagged for the Chamber of Solusek Ro. We’ll be revisiting Agnarr, Saryrn and probably Terris over the next few weeks, as well as beating the mini’s in Sol Ro one more time each.
See you all there