Day 98

It’s day 98 of my new diet (huh? what do you mean it’s only 8 days in? feels like 100!) and it’s going about as well as can be expected when you have the willpower of a demented shrew. In case you’re new to this, I don’t have a sweet tooth really, I just have a huge fat stomach.

Anyway, got through the weekend (roast dinner yesterday, too much veg but better than too much of everything else), and remembered at the last minute to have breakfast this morning (low GI bread toast)! Ate the last of Saturday’s Chilli for lunch with a packet of Dorito Tortilla’s (could be worse). Managed to buy sandwich stuff for tomorrow, and ended up making a quick chicken stir fry for this evening, which considering how late we got to Tesco, how little I wanted to cook and how high the temptation was to get something even easier, I’m taking it as a victory.