two days to go

Only two days to go until I’m on holiday for 9 straight days including weekends; and I need it. I covered for my team leader last week (major stress) and I’m on call this week (minor stress) and I need a break. Of course, a break means going to bed late, getting up early and playing too many computer games, but still, it’s a break of sorts.

I’m still chugging through the Harry Dresden books (by Jim Butcher), they’re slowing and getting a little samey but hey, I’ve read 5 or 6 of them in about 3 weeks so what can I expect. At least I’m reading again which has to be a good sign?

Right, shorter entry than I was going to write, because it’s late and I’m tired and I really should try and get some sleep (which translates to it’s late, I’m tired and I’m going to go and read another 3 or 5 chapters before bed).

Perhaps one day I may write a few …