Truly Naughty Troop Newsletter – Edition 14 – 5th May 2004

These posts are archives of forum / blog entries I made on my EverQuest guild website. The website won’t be around forever, and I wanted the posts all in one place so I didn’t lose them, this blog seemed like as good a place as any.

Truly Naughty Troop Newsletter - Edition 14 - 5th May 2004


1. Introduction
2. News
3. Upcoming Events
4. Zone-mania
5. Help Wanted
6. Help Offered
7. Useful Links
8. Acronym Buster
9. Messages
10. Feedback

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1. Introduction

Holy Cow it's May already! Mailing list membership is up to 55 readers, thanks to those who joined, welcome to the new folk, and don't forget to badger your guild-mates to sign up if they haven't yet. May, already, we're into the second quarter of the year, where's it all going?

Another patch gone by (and another one today!), more subtle changes, a new LDoN zone for the under 50's, and people are STILL getting stuck in the tree in PoK (I've TL'ed four people out, and I grew a halfling twice and that helped him escape).

I managed to abuse my body, hands, broadband connection, keyboard and stomach over the weekend here in the UK, doing virtually nothing but play EQ. Ah well, no change :)

On with the content (which you are encouraged to submit otherwise I'll just start pasting a link to the boards, come on, send it in).

The newsletter is not a replacement for the board, and more often than not will just summarise something and provide a link - so, go sign up and take part -

You've already signed up to get the newsletter, obviously ;) , but I'd like to encourage you to get your guild-mates to sign up as well. The more folk signed up the better. E-mail addresses will be kept private, and will only be used to send out this newsletter on a weekly basis, so it's safe to sign up. Spread the word!

If you feel like contributing something to the newsletter, or have any feedback on it, please drop me a mail at and I'll see what I can do.

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2. News

DING! Congratulations to Moonebeam on hitting 65 :) Storm Warden Moonebeam :)

DING! Congratulations to Belkhanu on hitting 65 and getting HoV! MGB-HoV-arama!

Hot - we raided HoT again, and it was smoother than ever. One death (ranger ate rage), no aborted kill attempts, one named down, and various armour drops. I would encourage everyone who meets the pre-reqs for raiding HoT to come along to one of them at some point, they're more fun now we're more in control of the mobs, and ifwe can up the kill rate, we can drop more named dragons. I wrote a short review ( and posted some logs (

[Know someone who dinged something significant? Let me know - I'm not always on (no, honestly) so sometimes don't get to see dingage]

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3. Upcoming Events

Nothing planned at present, Serayus is talking about weekend of the 15th for his next scheduled raid, more details when I know it.

Don't forget - anyone in TNT can organised events, and if you get an officer involved it may be possible to get it DKP sanctioned - however fishing contents, lowbie-raids, epic battles, etc. are all something guild members should be able to organise. Remember the key elements - give people plenty of warning, give people plentyof information, talk to people in advance and find out when they can attend.

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4. Zone-mania

Ok, all I want is ONE person to mail me THREE lines about their favourite zone in the game, go on, someone must be able to spend the time.

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5. Help Wanted

Nothing this week.

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6. Help Offered

Nothing this week.

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7. Useful Links

Belligerant posted this on the EZBoard, it's a collection of useful EQ links,

Missed the previous edition of this newsletter? Deleted it and want to read it again (to assist with gettingto sleep perhaps?), check out the previous editions here thanks to the Keeper of the Boards.

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8. Acronym Buster

Nothing this week.

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9. Messages

Nothing this week.

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10. Feedback

Please feel free to send all feedback about this newsletter to

Let me know if you'd like to see any additional sections or content, and if you have any content to contribute. The best way to get content into the newsletter, is to post it to the boards, and I'll pick it up. If youlike, send me a pointer requesting it be added, but the board is the first place you should stick it :)

If you would like to stop receiving the newsletter, or would like to change your e-mail address, or any otheradministrative mail should also be sent to - please remember to include your character name and e-mail address.

You can also send me a tell in game as Gnomtrix if I'm on.

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